The service provider for optical metrology
We are ZEISS Business Partner and GOM vendors for all handsonmetrology products.
Benefit from our longstanding experience as service provider for reverse engineering, measuring technology, constructor as well as tool manufacturer. Be impressed by our terms and conditions, when buying an optic high-performance measuring device.
StaabTEC is a Bavarian firm that operates throughout Europe which was set up in 1999 and has its roots in design and production in the field of tool and mould making. Together with our associate companies, such as ZEISS, GOM and 3D Systems, we have developed, within the last 22 years since the company was founded, into one of the leading "Next Generation" service companies in Germany in the field of optical measurement technique.
We are a innovative and reliable supplier for:
- • Local HandsOnMetrology Partner for ATOS Q, GOM Scan 1 and T-SCAN hawk
- • Sale of T-SCAN 10/20
- • Sale of reverse engineering software licenses and relevant trainings
- • Service provider for optical metrology
- • Reverse Engineering
- • Metrology equipment rental

The ZEISS ATOS LRX is ready to use at StaabTECs.